Add FOXT tokens to your wallet
If you read previous post, now you have sent to Fox Trading your Ethereum to the wallet of Fox Trading and received FXT token.
Congratulations! Now you are part of the project!
Let´s add your tokens to your Ethereum wallet.
Click to view wallet info, and you will see the image below on the right side.
Once you click wallet info you are going to be asked for your private Key. Add your private key and enter to the wallet.
You should click add custom token and write fill blank cells with following information.
Address (NEW!): 0xFbe878CED08132bd8396988671b450793C44bC12
Token Symbol: FOXT
Decimals: 18
Click on save and you are going to see your balance as the image below.
Thats all now! you only need to wait with your popcorn and soon you are going to receive the exclusive benefits of Fox Trading!
If you have any doubt please contact us via Telegram or email.